Computer Sciences
Multitask Regime of work for the Microprocessing Systems, at the Availability of Wide Range of time changing for the Maintenance the separate requests
Владимир Гебов, Величка Темелкова
Владимир Гебов, Величка Темелкова
Nanoparticles Produced by Borohydride Reduction as Precursors for Metal Hydride Electrodes
Марио Митов, А. Попов, И. Драгиева
Марио Митов, А. Попов, И. Драгиева
3D Cartographical Digital Model of Struma River Basin
Пенка Кръстева
Пенка Кръстева
conversation of Companies by Alteration of their Legal Form. General Description and Composition
Кремен Маринов
Кремен Маринов
municipal BondsMarket development in Bulgaria: Challenges and Perspectives
Десислава Стоилова
Десислава Стоилова
Medical Social Sciencies
Speech Compherension of 9-11 Years old Hearing-Impaired Children Educated at Mainstream School
Светослава Саева
Светослава Саева
Colaboration Between Parents and Professionals in the field of Intellectual Disabilities
Васка Станчева-Попкостадинова
Васка Станчева-Попкостадинова
About an Evidence of Chernorisez Chrabar on the Linguistic Culture of the Slaves During the Pre-cyrillic Epoch
Илка Петкова
Илка Петкова
Bulgarian Politics of Multiculturalism - uses and abuses
Светлана Христова
Светлана Христова
Topical Problems of the Ecological Breeding
Елка Янакиева
Елка Янакиева
The sex Differentiation in the Preschool group - does it need pedagogical correction?
Красимира Стоянова
Красимира Стоянова
The Intellectual Readiness of Children for School (Some Aspects of the Mathematical Education at the Kindergarden and the Primary School)
Димитър Г. Димитров
Димитър Г. Димитров
Methods and Device of Forming the National Identity
Лиляна Тодорова
Лиляна Тодорова
Teaching of History in English in Bulgaria
Костадин Паев
Костадин Паев
The Motivation - a Condition for Optimization of Singing Activity Elementary School Pupils
Нина Сурбинска
Нина Сурбинска
Strategies for the Development of the "Golden Children of the Society" in the European Pedagogical Space
Добринка Тодорина
Добринка Тодорина
Basic Components of the Methodological System for Teaching Students How to Solve Creative Problems
Янка Стоименова
Янка Стоименова
Development Cognitive Abilities Through Mathematical Education
Ангелина Манова
Ангелина Манова
Aspects of Cultural Policy of Bulgaria
Татяна Стоичкова
Татяна Стоичкова