
Juridical, economical and social science

Outgoing Requests by Republika Srpska for International Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters - Extradition Requests and Letters Rogatory (Law, Practice, Recommendations)
Intervention of communication in children with intellectual disabilities
Предизвикателствата пред държавното и глобално регулиране в новите условия
    д-р Радослав Радославов
State Regulation of the Policy for Protection of Consumers in the Republic of Bulgaria

Mathematics, informatics and natural science

On the Solution of a Quadratic Programming Problem

Art healthcare and sport

The Creation, Objectives and Principles of Sourcing Series
The Road to Europe or the Cultural Mission of the thought Circle
The History of Symbolistic Drama in Bulgaria the Dramas of Moris Meterlink Staged in the National Theatre 1919-1928
Modern A-personlity as a Direct Cosequence of life Experiences of Social Significance
The contributors to the Democratic Review Magazine and the Establishment of the new Dramaturgy on Bulgarian Stage (1902-1915)
The Theatre of Expressionism - expressing the Metaphysical Essence
Nodes About the Eastern and Western Influences - on Bulgarian Theatre at the Begining of the Twentieth Century
Мила Искренова
    Мила Искренова
Мила Искренова
    Мила Искренова
Боряна Сечанова, Галина Борисова
    Боряна Сечанова, Галина Борисова
Пътят към Европа - ценности, търсения, практики в българското културно пространство в края на ХХ век (II част - танцов театър)
    Мирослава Кортенска - Научен ръководител
THE WAY TO EUROPE Values, quests, practices in the Bulgarian cultural space at the end of the XX-th century (II part – Dancing theater)